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Little smile on a big frowny day.

So, the thing about a shitty day is that it's usually lots of little things.  Today was one of those days, though it seemed like some of the little ones were abnormally large.  But I'm not here to talk about the shitty things.  That may be reserved for another post.

As I got home this morning at 3:30 A.M., brooding on having to get back up for the 10:30 A.M. shift, I found a little surprise in the mail: a hand-addressed envelope from the county clerk.  Strange, I don't remember any traffic tickets.  Could it be [gasp] jury duty?!

No, it seemed too thin for that.  But I remembered that a week ago I exercised my constitutional right and applied for a concealed handgun permit in my state.  Hmm, thin envelope could be notification of denial...

But no.  It was, in fact, a receipt for paying the fee associated with the application.  So that's something.  They got my money.  It's progress.

But shitty mood returned and I thought: if it takes a week to just get a receipt, how long will the actual permit take?  Speed of government, right?

Back to brooding.

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