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Cheap Chinese Scooter: First Blood

So my acquaintoyance doesn't exactly know I've got the scooter. As such, I am without key.

Having a modicum of electrical knowledge, I felt confident I could find a way to hotwire the liberated liberator.

First things first: to pop off the decorative panel on the front to reveal the wiring that runs down the steering axle. This was as difficult as I should have expected.

Because this is Chinese, and therefore cheap, it was engineered to be assembled quickly and efficiently. This means many panels are neither glued nor bolted down, but rather held in place by plastic clips that come together much easier than they come apart. This required much visual inspection to find said clips, followed by gentle prying with trepidacious prodding of a screwdriver, and ultimately ending in a devil-may-care series of pries and pops with a much bigger screwdriver. Not sure how many clips I broke, but the damn thing is off now.

I knew this was Chinese, but I didn't realize how Chinese until I got a look at the wiring (which, by the way, was tied down using zip ties). Finding the wires that lead from the key slot, I saw four wires, three of which had minimal resistance between them. Logic dictates red to be positive and black to be negative.

So what are the green and the black/white? Is it black/white? Because it looks kind of yellow. I would think this thing should only need three wires. One positive lead, then a ground to lights and something to tell the engine electrics they're allowed to work, then one to go to the relay for the starter motor. What's the fourth one? This bears further research. Best start Googling chinese scooter wiring diagrams.

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